27 May 2015

Are Fiber Optic Networks Secure?


Unless you have a private network AND you guard every inch or centimeter of it, fiber-optic networks are still vulnerable to wiretapping and eavesdropping.

Even though there is no electromagnetic radiation or crosstalk from a fiber-optic line and, wiretapping is not as simple as clipping on copper wires, eavesdropping on a fiber-optic network can be achieved with splitter/regenerator devices or with micro-bending clamps, which can capture light off the fiber.

The biggest vulnerability exists at the switching and repeater points where signals are split-out and regenerated.

Author: TCC
Cipher One

CipherONE® Optimized Network Encryption

Our solutions meet TCC's CipherONE Optimized Network Encryption best-in-class criteria for maximum cryptographic strength, and are optimized for performance and ease of use for our customers.

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