4 Nov 2015
Satellite performance, particularly for Transmission Control Protocol (TCP), is adversely affected by the long round trip delay (over half a second) associated with geostationary high earth satellites. Many satellite equipment vendors have developed techniques to minimize this impact on users; one common technique is the use of a TCP proxy for TCP Acceleration. Application(s) requiring strong end-to-end protection using an installed satellite system with TCP Acceleration, however, have a problem. Use of a Layer 3 or 4 IP encryption system to implement end-to-end security is incompatible with TCP Acceleration techniques utilized by satellite gear unless the encryption system is specifically designed to handle this situation. TCC has developed the Cipher X 7211 IP encryption system with innovative TCP Stream Encryption operating to properly handle these optimizations seamlessly.
6 Aug 2015
VPN, secure email, access control, edge encryption ... the list goes on. What are the differences among data security capabilities and what should you implement in your organization to protect your information onsite, across locations, with remote employees and with customers, suppliers and partners? View this 1.5 hour non-technical on-demand webinar taught by a cryptography expert.
30 Jun 2015
Modern enterprises have the need to securely enable a mobile workforce. Employees need access to corporate data services to enhance productivity and improve corporate responsiveness. TCC's Cipher X 7211 IP encryption system easily integrates into networks that have mobile users and helps enforce security policies, providing a more robust and flexible security solution that enhances the security of traditional VPN access.
27 May 2015
Unless you have a private network AND you guard every inch or centimeter of it, fiber-optic networks are still vulnerable to wiretapping and eavesdropping.
Even though there is no electromagnetic radiation or crosstalk from a fiber-optic line and, wiretapping is not as simple as clipping on copper wires, eavesdropping on a fiber-optic network can be achieved with splitter/regenerator devices or with micro-bending clamps, which can capture light off the fiber.
The biggest vulnerability exists at the switching and repeater points where signals are split-out and regenerated.
Our solutions meet TCC's CipherONE Optimized Network Encryption best-in-class criteria for maximum cryptographic strength, and are optimized for performance and ease of use for our customers.